Nothing shows up in the 3Dpdf

Nothing shows up in the 3Dpdf


Robotmaster creates the 3D PDF but nothing shows up in the document.


Solution 1

You are using the 64bits version of Adobe. The 32 bits version is required for 3DPDF. See: 3DPDF Animation Does Not Play

Solution 2

New versions of windows now provide a PDF reader by default however this one is not compatible with 3Dpdf

  1. Make sure you are using the actual "acrobat reader DC"

  2. If not download it here : Adobe - Download Adobe Acrobat Reader and install it


Solution 3

By default acrobat reader DC doesn't open directly 3D content and require the user to manually authorize it.

  1. Click on the Option button and select "trust this document one time only" and click anywhere in simulator.


  2. If you don't want to go through step 1 every time you open a 3D Pdf.
    In Adobe reader DC go to Edit > Preference and enable 3D content :

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