Multi-Robots - Point List

Multi-Robots - Point List

With multiple robots in use and operations assigned and calculated, the point list on the device side displays points for a program.

Focus modes and the point list

When the focus mode is on All Programs or Program, the program name is listed at the top of the point list and the first robot in the program is selected by default. The point list will display points for this robot.

Program focus mode with the point list showing points for the first robot

You can view points for a different robot in the program by selecting the robot at the top of the point list.


When the focus is on a specific robot with Robot Program mode, the point list will show points for the that robot only.

Point marker

The active point in the point list is marked with an arrow.

When you select a different robot in the point list, the arrow marker will appear on the corresponding point that is being simultaneously activated by the other robot. The markers are synchronized based on where in the simulation they are, in tandem with the playhead marker in the scheduler.






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