Plasma parameters - new!

Plasma parameters - new!

Kerf correction

Kerf correction is an option that allows the user to increase or decrease the radius/diameter of a hole by increasing or decreasing the offset of the plasma beam to the part’s edge. A positive Kerf correction will make a hole smaller. A negative Kerf correction will make a hole bigger, A Kerf correction of 0 will disable Kerf correction, resulting in a Kerf based on Hypertherm’s XPR cutcharts.



Error message strings

Error messages now inform the user when the path projection fails:

  • Failed to project all entry/exit points of path.
    The algorithm failed to project the entry/exit part of the path on the part surface.

  • Failed to project all the points of path.
    The algorithm failed to project all the points of the path on the part surface.

  • Path projection failed. Please refer to the log file for further details.
    The algorithm failed to project any part of the path on the part surface.

  • Failed to create / project all the touches along path.
    The algorithm failed to project the touch sensing points on the part surface.

Chaining tool improvements for Marking

The chaining menu of “Curve Path” has been improved to allow better wireframe selection for Marking or 2D cutting.

  • Window selection filter

    This dropdown menu sets the behavior of a “window selection” (holding the mouse left button pressed, moving the cursor, and releasing the mouse button).

  • Closed chains only
    This option will only select the closed loop wireframe.

  • Open chains only
    This option will only select the open loop wireframe.

  • Mixed
    This option will select both the open and closed loops.