Part Handling - Supported workflows

User Workflow Examples - TCP Configuration Only








Pick and place with a single operation

  • 1 robot

  • 1 operation

  • Pick > place

  • Supported


Pick and place with single operation and transitions

  • 1 robot

  • 1 operation

  • Pick > transition > place

  • Supported

  • Transitions can be used before, in between or after operations


Pick and place with several pairs of operations

  • 1 robot

  • 2+ operations

  • Pick > place > Pick > place

  • Supported

  • Same program or different program

  • Gripper has to be the same to be in same setup


Pick and place with single robot, multiple setups and toolings

  • 1 robot

  • 2+ setups

  • Tooling changing

  • Setup 1 (gripper tooling)

    • Pick from table > place in fixture

  • Setup 2 (spindle)

    • contouring paths

  • Setup 3 (gripper tooling)

    • Pick from fixture > place in table

  • Supported

  • Setup 1 and 3 can use the same tooling in different setups for pick and place

  • Setup 2 can only contain contouring and can’t be mixed with pick and place


Machine tending with a CNC machine

  • 1 robot

  • 1 tooling station

  • Pick and place process

    • Pick in table > place in CNC machine chuck

    • Wait command

    • Pick in CNC chuck > place in table

  • Supported

  • Dual station toolings are not supported

  • Material processing before/after changes not simulated

  • Same orientation for picking from table (Z axis) and placing in chuck (Z axis)

  • Wait commands can be added as events with more machine commands as required (to run CNC process)


Machine tending with a lathe

  • 1 robot

  • 1 tooling station

  • Pick and place process

    • Pick in table > place in lathe

    • Wait

    • Pick in lathe > place in table

  • Supported

  • Dual station toolings are not supported

  • Material processing before/after changes not simulated

  • Different orientation for picking from table (Z axis) and placing in chuck (X axis)

  • Wait commands can be added as events with more machine commands as required (to run CNC process)


Milling with part handling in a dual robot cell

  • Multi-robot (2)

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick table > place fixture

  • Robot 2 (spindle)

    • Milling

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick fixture > place table

  • Supported

  • Material removal module can be used to simulate the milling process, the part is than transferred with the final shape.

  • Robot 1 is a loading unloading robot, and robot 2 is the part processing robot.


Laser cutting with part handling in a multi robot cell

  • 3 robots

  • Part has to be mounted on cell fixture

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick table > place fixture

  • Robot 2 (laser head)

    • Laser cutting

  • Robot 3 (gripper 2)

    • Pick fixture > place table

  • Supported.

  • The whole task is carried (all CAD present in task) so the fixture needs to be defined in the cell, not in the task.

  • Robots 1 and 3 are loading and unloading robots, robot 2 is the processing robot.


Spray painting with part handling

  • 3 robots

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick loading station > place in table

  • Robot 2 (spray gun)

    • Spray

  • Robot 3 (gripper 1)

    • Pick in cell > place unloading station

  • Supported.

  • Spray module can be used in the spray application in the middle of the process to simulate it.


Glue application with material deposition and multi robot cell

  • 2 robots

  • 1 tooling station

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick table > place table

  • Robot 2 (glue gun)

    • Glue deposition

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick table > place table

  • Supported.

  • Dual station toolings are not supported

  • Robot 1 is for loading/unloading robot 2 is for processing.


Part handling with Rotary in kinematics

  • 2 robots

    • 1 robot + 1 robot with rotary

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick from table > place in Rotary E2

  • Robot 2 (tooling)

    • Path application

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick from Rotary E2 > place in table

  • Supported.

  • Part can be pick and placed from rotary.


Part handling with rail for plasma cutting value stream

  • 3 robots

    • 1 robot on rail for loading/station move/unloading

    • 2 robots for process (cutting/welding)

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick loading table > move with rail > place in cutting station

  • Robot 2 (Plasma torch)

    • Plasma Cutting process

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick cutting station > move with rail > place in welding station

  • Robot 3 (Weld gun)

    • Weld process

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick welding station > move with rail > place in unloading table

  • Supported.

  • Rail movement while carrying the part for pick and place is supported.


Multi robot cell with machine tending and processing robots for part manufacturing

  • 4 robots

    • 1 machine tending / loading / unloading robot

    • 3 path processing robots with central table

  • Part is loaded with stock + part

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Machine tending process

      • Pick in loading station (stock height) > place in CNC machine chuck

      • Wait command

      • Pick in CNC chuck (machined height) > place in central processing table

  • Robot 2 (spindle with mill)

    • Deburring of part in central table

  • Robot 3 (spindle with disk)

    • Polishing of part in central table

  • Robot 4 (hardening tooling)

    • Thermal hardening of part in central table

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick in central table > place in unloading station

  • Supported.

  • Pick and place operations can be programmed with different heights (pick at stock heigh, then at machined height, before and after machine tending).


Welding application while changing part orientation to weld both sides in a dual robot cell

  • 2 robots

    • 1 robot in floor + 1 ceiling robot with rotary

  • 2 pick and place pairs

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick from loading station > place in Rotary (orientation 1)

  • Robot 2 (weld gun)

    • Weld top face of part

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick in Rotary (orientation 1) > transition > place in Rotary (orientation 2)

  • Robot 2 (weld gun)

    • Weld bottom face of part

  • Robot 1 (gripper 1)

    • Pick in Rotary (orientation 2) > place in unloading station

  • Supported.

  • Pick and place operations can be used to relocate the part in the fixture or table to continue processing

  • Transitions can be used to move part in space.

Integrator Workflow Examples - TCP Configuration Only








Exchange cells

  • Create pick and place operation in task

  • Load a cell in device pane

  • Assign operations to program

  • Program application

  • Delete device

  • Operation in task is retained

  • Select a new device

  • Program the new cell

  • Supported.

  • Operations in task are retained meaning that if a device is switched all the user has to do is to reset the locations, no operation reprogramming needed.

  • This allow integrator to validate the best cell for a given process and part sizes.


Exchange grippers

  • Create pick and place operation in task

  • Load a cell in device pane

  • Assign operations to program

  • Program application

  • Exchange gripper in task operation

  • Device keeps programming and updates gripper

  • Supported.

  • Operations in device are retained, if the gripper is switched the integrator can do the work to verify the best gripper to use for size and orientation.

  • Only for single pick and place operation pair assigned. If multiple pairs are assigned, exchanging grippers will trigger unassignment.


Commission equipment

  • Create pick and place operation in task

  • Load a cell in device pane

  • Assign operations to program

    • Set locations in given equipment (tables, stations, chucks, fixtures, etc.)

  • Program application

  • Enter commissioning mode

  • Move the location of a given equipment

  • Confirm commissioning

  • When returning the programming is updated with new location.

  • Supported.

  • Commissioning can be used to alter the location of given equipment. If the locations of pick and place are mounted in such equipment programming will automatically update after commissioning.

  • This allows integrator to find the best position for a given equipment.


Investigate robot model

  • Create 3 cells with same equipment but different robot models of same brand (small, medium and large reach).

  • Create pick and place operation in task

  • Load a cell in device pane

  • Test the reach and programming for each of the cells to find the best suited robot model.

  • Supported.

  • Several cells with same structure and different robot models can be created to validate the best robot model and cost for a given project.