Auto Path
This function creates automatically paths along the edges or walls of the part based on the settings.
Add to path list:
Adds the displayed paths to the base path list.
Refresh from selected surfaces:
Creates paths based on the selected surfaces and other settings.
Path type:
Normal: Creates perpendicular paths on the edges of the selected surfaces.
Swarf: Creates tangential paths on the adjacent surfaces of the selected surfaces provided that the adjacent surfaces are straight.
Flip vectors:
If checked: Tool vectors will rotate by 180°.
Minimum area:
Filters out the surface features having an area smaller than the defined minimum area in mm2
Swarf mode:
Automatic: Tool vector alignment based on the side wall geometry.
Shortest distance: Tool vector alignment based on the shortest distance between the lower rail and upper rail.
Project on upper rail:
If checked: The resulting path is translated to the upper rail along the tool vectors.
Filters out the smallest or largest displayed paths.