Parts Tab


Import a new part

Allows the user to import a CAD model.

Imported CAD Formats

  • ACIS (.sat, .sab)

  • AutoCAD (.dwg, .dxf)

  • CATIA (.CATPart, .CATproduct, .exp, .model)

  • IGES (.igs, .iges)

  • Inventor (.iam, .ipt)

  • NX Unigraphics (.prt)

  • Parasolid (.x_t, .x_b)

  • ProE/Creo (.prt, .xpr, .asm, .xas)

  • Rhino 3D (.3dm)

  • SolidEdge (.par, .asm)

  • SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm)

  • STEP (.stp, .step)

  • STL (.stl)

  • VDA (.vda)

  • XCGM (.xcgm)

Export all CAD parts of the task

Allows the user to export all CAD elements in the current task.

Exported CAD Formats

  • XCGM (.xcgm)

  • ACIS (.sat, .sab)

  • CATIA (.CADproduct)

  • IGES (.igs, .iges)

  • STEP (.stp, .step)

  • STL (.stl)

CAD Elements

CAD Element Types

  • Mesh

  • Solid

  • Surface

  • Point

  • Wire

  • Sheet

CAD Element Right-Click Functionality


Allows the user to move the CAD element.

CAD Labels

Allows for the assignment of a label, used for collision checking and visibility settings.

Move part to new group

Places the CAD element in a new group.

Stitch part

Attempts to stitch any open edged surfaces/solids.

Select all bodies

Selects all CAD bodies contained within the CAD element.


Toggles the ability of the CAD element to be selected in the work environment.


Hides the CAD element.


Deletes the CAD element.