The Cell is the top level of the part programming hierarchy. It contains all setups, programs and operation of the entire part programming session.
Open or create a new part programming session.
Ensure a device is loaded.
Add a setup
The plus button adds a new setup to the cell. A cell can have any number of setups.
The trash can button deletes the cell and everything else within the Operations panel. Once deleted, a new cell can be loaded with the Load a device button.
The wrench button opens up the cell settings interface. Any setting adjusted here affects the rest of the hierarchy, except where explicitly overwritten.
The collision settings tab allows for editing and deleting of collision group pairs that are built into the cell (added in the cell editor), or adding of new collision group pairs. Collision group pairs can also be enabled or disabled with a slider.
Time estimation
The time estimation tab establishes fallback speeds and joint rates for time estimation, where speeds are not explicitly defined by an operation.
Linear speed is in mm/min.
Angular speed is in degrees/min.
Joint percentage is in percent of maximum joint speed.
Home position
The home position tab allows for editing of the default Approach and Retract points of the cell. The file symbols can be enabled or disabled to determine whether the home position information is output in the generated program.
When a processor is loaded, a fourth option will appear on the left hand side, enabling processor specific settings to be viewed and edited. Processor settings are very brand specific, so are not covered in this article.