Operation Order in Robotmaster Does not Match Mastercam Toolpath Manager

Operation Order in Robotmaster Does not Match Mastercam Toolpath Manager


The operations in Robotmaster are not in the proper order and the robot goes back to home in between operations.

This occurs when the operations in Mastercam have different NC file names. When this is the case, Robotmaster will group operations that have the same NC names and treat them as independent programs.

In the following example you can see in Mastercam that operations 1 and 5 are named AAA, operations 2 and 4 are named BBB and operation 3 is named CCC.
In Robotmaster, the operations will be grouped and ordered by NC name in alphabetical order.


Modify the NC name according to the operation order that you would like to see in Robotmaster.

If you want Robotmaster to follow the Mastercam operation order, make sure all operations have the same NC program name.

Also see How to rename a program in Mastercam (NC)

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