This article discusses the procedure for creating safety envelopes around a robot when setting up a cell in Robotmaster. It also covers the procedure for adding the safety envelopes to collision groups.
Safety envelopes are used to create an extra buffer zone around robot components. They can be used for collision detection and as a visual reference when programming a job in Robotmaster.
The following procedure assumes that a cell is already created and a robot is already loaded in it.
Create a safety envelope for a robot
With the robot loaded in the Cell tree, right-click the first joint in the robot, then select Create safety envelope for J1.
Enter a Shape extension and Shape type for the envelope. These control the size and shape of the envelope around the robot joint and link.
Click Apply to view your changes in the viewport.
Click OK to keep your changes. The safety envelope will be added to the Cell tree.
Note that safety envelopes in the Cell tree are indicated by an icon and are classified as safety envelopes in the right-click menu.
Optional step: Adjust the color of the safety envelope. This can help make the envelope more visible.
In the Cell tree, select the envelope.
In the viewport, right-click the envelope, then click the color swatch next to Fill with color.
Adjust ARGB values to pick a color. The A value controls the transparency of the envelope (for example, with an A value 50, the joint would be easily visible).
Click [X] to exit the color picker, then select Fill with color on the context menu.
Repeat steps 1 - 5 to add safety envelopes for joints J2, J3, and J4.
Depending on your robot model, joints J5 and J6 may not need safety envelopes. Safety envelopes for J5 and J6 could overlap one another and also extend into toolings mounted at the end of the robot.
Import a safety envelope from a CAD file
If the standard Robotmaster safety envelope shape types are not sufficient, you can import CAD files of safety envelopes and assign them to a joint.
Select [+] and then Import CAD file.
Browse to and select the CAD file, then select Open.
In the Cell tree, move the imported envelope so that it is a child of the joint in the hierarchy.
Right-click the envelope item and select Safety envelope.
If needed, use Transform to adjust the position and orientation of the CAD envelope relative to the joint.
Safety envelopes can also be added around toolings, if needed. This would be done in an End-of-arm tooling session.
Add safety envelopes in collision groups
Once safety envelopes are added to joints, you can add them to collision groups for the cell.
In the Cell tree, select Cell.
On the right, in Cell settings, select [+] next to Collision group pairs.
Select the Edit button for the collision group pair.
Enter a name for the collision group. You might enter a name like “Robot safety envelope.”
Select a type for the collision group. For a robot safety envelope, Interference is typically a good choice. Intereference is less strict than Collision in Robotmaster. Interference indicates to the programmer only that other physical objects may be too close to the robot.
Select a color. You may want to pick a different color than other Collision type collision groups, in order to easily differentiate them visually.
Drag the envelope items for J1 – J4 from the Available geometries pane to one side of the Pairs section.
Drag the items you want to flag for interference with safety envelopes to the other side of the Pairs section. For example, you might include cell components like tables and enclosures.
Select OK when you are finished.
Save your changes with the cell.