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This menu is where the user you can choose what qualifies as a Point of interest via the Previous/next buttons option. These selections will determine what the arrow buttons navigate between This lets you select points of interest for arrow button navigation on the main display. You can choose multiple options simultaneously. If no options are selected, the arrows will navigate between each pointMultiple options can be chosen, or if none are selected all points will be considered of interest.


Lower menu


Bottom Menu


The first button on the Lower Menu lower menu is the Reset button, which gives the option to Reset all points, or just Reset selected points. Resetting undoes any changes made to the point list that haven’t been saved yet, including edits and deletions.

The next button is Cut and it removes , which simultaneously copies the selected point(s) and removes them. The Cut points will turn grey and be functionally gone, until saved at which point they will disappear from the point list and be fully gone.

The following button is labeled as Copy and is intended for copying points. Upon copying, the Paste button will change its appearance from grey to white, indicating that the paste button is now enabled.

The Paste button, allows the users you to insert a duplicate of the copied point directly below the selected point.


Next is the Edit button, which will provide the option for the user to either Edit pose or Convert between rapid and linear. Multiple points can be edited simultaneously, but for Convert between rapid and linear to be enabled there can be no Circular points selected.

Duplicate menu

The final button is Duplicate, offering various duplication methods. Duplicate after generates a copy of the chosen point directly below it. Duplicate before produces a copy positioned just before the selected point. Similarly, Insert after and Insert before perform the same functions as the preceding options but enable users to lets you specify the number of copies to be inserted.