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General Kinematics Terms
Kinematics - The relationships between the positions, velocities, and accelerations of the links of a manipulator, where a manipulator is an arm, finger, or leg.
Forward Kinematics - Solving the forward transformation equation to find the location of the hand in terms of the angles and displacements between the links (joint coordinates).
Inverse Kinematics - Solving the inverse transformation equation to find the relationships between the links of the manipulator from the location of the hand in space.
Kinematic Chain - A system of rigid bodies connected together by joints. A chain is called closed if it forms a closed loop. A chain that is not closed is called an open chain.
Every robot used in Robotmaster consists of 6 joints in a single kinematic chain.
Joint Set Configurations
Each set of 2 joints has 2 different configurations, to allow for a fully defined tool placement.