Ticket Information

Retrieves the ticket information from Robotmaster activation codes.


Information Displayed


Information Displayed

  • License for: 

Robotmaster 7 - 2024

  • Customer id: 

References the customer Id associated to the ticket - generally, the end-user’s company name.

  • Can be activated: 

It can be: True/False. It means if it is available to be activated or not respectively.

  • Is blocked:

Can be True/False which respectively means it is locked or not.

  • Serial number: 130-1234567890

References the CmContainer the ticket is associated with. The CmContainer is a unique box that houses the licenses on the computer.

  • Activation date: 12/11/2023 9:07:56 PM

References the last activation date and time of the license.
Time Zone: UTC