Time estimation

Time estimation

About time estimation

The Time Estimation module is designed to provide time estimates for robotic operations in Robotmaster. Time estimation includes in-process time, out-of-process time, and total time by setup, program, robot, and operation.

Time estimates take into account programmed paths, move types, feedrates, joint rates, and robot kinematics to provide approximate operational times for programs.

Time Estimation in Robotmaster is only an estimate and may not reflect real-world times due to various factors that are not taken into account, such as acceleration, position level, corner rounding, arm flex, inertia, and so on. When viewing time estimates and programming jobs, please be aware that there will likely be a discrepancy between time estimation values and real-world times.

The time estimation report

The time estimation report is available in any part programming session.

Run the time estimation report

  1. Make sure to solve all robotic errors in the session.

  2. With an operation assigned on the device side, select Calculate. A program must be calculated in order to run the time estimation report.

  3. Select the Time Estimation button.


The report displays estimated times for the session, color-coded with out-of-process time in yellow, in-process time in blue, and total time in white.


Out of process time

Time spent by moves outside of process. This includes:

  • All joint moves (JC and JJ move types) in regular operations.

  • All transition operations, regardless of move type. This includes home, manual, graphical, and waypoint transitions.

  • All safe approach and safe retract moves, regardless of move type.

Note that the time to move between Home and the first operation is included in the out-of-process time for the first operation.

In process time

The total time spent by all constraint moves (LC or CC move types) within the process.

Total time

Sum of in-process time and out-of-process time.

For multi-robot cells, additional time from Wait times or Handshakes is included in the Total time for a robot.

Additional notes

  • Setup time is the sum of all Program times.

  • For multi-robot cells, Program time is the longest Robot time within the program.

  • Robot time is the sum of all operations, transitions, and so on for the robot in that specific program.

Time estimation inputs

Several inputs are used to calculate the estimated in-process and out-of-process times.

Linear moves

Linear speed (feedrate) defined in the operation for linear and circular (LC and CC) moves is used for estimated time calculations.


Linear speed can be defined directly in the operation or it can be defined in a tool and set automatically in an operation by enabling the Set speed from selected tool option.

Angular speed of the TCP is not defined in the operation, but may be specified as a fallback value in a Time estimation fallback (discussed below).

If a specific Linear or Angular speed is entered in the Point List (device side > panel on the right > Edit pose), that value will be used instead of the speed from the operation (defined on the task side) or Time estimation override.

If a Time estimation fallback for linear or angular speed is applied on an operation and no other speed is specified or the speed is zero, that will be used as a fallback value.

Joint moves

Rapid joint moves are accounted for in time estimates, based on a percentage of maximum joint speed of the robot. Each joint J1–J6 has a Maximum joint speed in °/s defined in the robot cell. A percentage of that speed is used for joint speed calculations, as defined in the Time estimation override (discussed below). This percentage should match what is set in the robot controller, in order to get more accurate times in Robotmaster.

External axes

External rail axis and rotary axis motion is taken into account for time estimates. Rail and rotary axes have a Maximum joint speed defined in the robot cell, which should also match what is set in the robot controller.

Speed limits

A robot has a Maximum linear speed in mm/s and Maximum angular speed in °/s defined in the robot cell. Any linear or angular speeds that would exceed the limits will be capped to stay at or below the maximum speed.

Fallback values for time estimation

For operations where either no linear or angular speed is set or the speed is zero, fallback values can be specified for time estimation purposes. Note that time estimation fallback values are not used in the point list or in robot code.

On the device side, time estimation override / fallback values are available for:

  • Cell

    • Setup

      • Program

        • Robot

          • Home

          • Operations

          • Transitions

The values follow a hierarchy. Any item will inherit a fallback value from its parent. If a fallback value is specified for a child, that will take precendence over any inherited value from parent nodes.


Fallback speed

Linear speed

Fallback linear speed value of the TCP in mm/s for all points that do not have a speed defined or have a speed of zero. This value must be greater than zero.

Angular speed

Fallback angular speed value of the TCP in °/s for all points that do not have a speed defined or have a speed of zero. This value must be greater than zero. For Angular speed, which is not specified in the operation, this serves as the “default” angular speed used in time estimation calculations.

Joint rate

Joint percentage

This is the percentage of the maximum manipulator joint speed. Maximum speeds for each joint are set in the robot cell in Robotmaster. In order for time estimation to be accurate, this value should correspond to what is set in the robot controller for percentage of maximum joint speed.

The percentage entered here is applied to each joint to get the joint speeds used in time estimation. For example, given the maximum joint speeds listed, a value of 30% would have this effect:


Maximum Joint Speed (°/s)

Joint Rate

Joint Speed Used in Time Estimation (°/s)


Maximum Joint Speed (°/s)

Joint Rate

Joint Speed Used in Time Estimation (°/s)

























Remove override

In the Time estimation settings panel, you can remove any fallback value from a cell, setup, program, robot program, or operation by selecting Remove override.

Associated warnings

These warnings may appear in Robotmaster in Time estimation settings.

  • Higher linear feedrate than maximum linear feedrate detected. They are capped to maximum linear feedrate.

  • Feedrate that would yield higher joint rate than the maximum joint rate is detected for Jn. Feedrate is capped due to maximum joint rate.

These indicate that the Maximum linear speed, Maximum angular speed, or Maximum joint speed defined in the robot cell would be exceeded for a given operation. As a result, they have been capped at the maximum value for time estimate calculations.

  • Time estimation is not applied on operations that have robotic errors.

Make sure to clear all robotic errors on any operation to get time estimation values for it.

  • Time estimation is not applied on operations that have not been calculated.

Make sure to calculate before viewing time estimates.


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