Create a milling tool

Create a milling tool

In this article

One core feature of Robotmaster is the ability to have your chosen tool in the software very closely match your real life tool. This allows for proper offsets, lengths, and collision detection.

This procedure will cover all of the steps required to create a milling tool that can be used in any future operations.

Create a tool

First we will need to create the initial tool.

  1. Navigate to a Task tab, either by selecting an already existing task or creating a new one.

  2. Select the Tool manager button (drill bit symbol) at the bottom left of the software to open up the tool manager.

  3. Create a new tool by selecting the button next to Tools and select Milling.

  4. You will be presented with the Edit tool interface that allows for customization of the milling tool.

Add a holder

Many tools have holders that we want to model.

  1. In the Edit tool interface, select the button next to Holder to add a new segment.

  2. The created holder segment has three dimensions. In order from left to right, they are the upper diameter, lower diameter and height of the segment.

  3. Note when these values are updated, the 3D model Preview of the tool at the bottom of the pane updates to match.

  1. Additional holder segments can be added to the bottom of the holder, and will automatically start with the lower diameter of the segment created above it.

Adjust milling tool parameters

Now that we have a holder, we need to adjust the remaining parameters of the milling tool to match our real life tool.

  1. Set tool parameters as needed. Some properties to set include:

    1. Tool number is used by default in the TCP manager, so should ideally match the tool number we use in real life.

    2. Tool name and Tool description do not affect our program and are just used for reference, especially when the list of tools is long.

    3. Diameter and Length are important for visualizing tool size when applying a milling operation and for applying TCP at the end of the tool.
      For a complete description of tool parameters, see Milling tool properties.

  2. Select OK at the top of the tool editor interface.

We now have a milling tool that is ready to be used when creating operations.

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