How to Rehost a WIBU software license
When you need to return a software license.
Log into computer hosting the license. (If you are using a network license, log into the server computer not the client one)
Open Codemeter Control Center from the windows start menu.
Take a note of the “serial” (CmContainer ID) setup on your computer
Click on Codemeter License Central Web Link for Robotmaster Software
CodeMeter License Central WebDepot
Enter in the 25 digit Ticket ID: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
(Alternatively, you may have received a link that does this 2 step in on click)The Ticket ID will show a CmContainer ID that matches the CmContainer on host computer and an availability count of 0 (1) .
Click on “Re-Host Licenses” and then click on DEACTIVATE.
Refresh the CodeMeter License Central WebDepot page
The License will show with Available 1 (1).
Highlight important information in a panel like this one. To edit this panel's color or style, select one of the options in the menu.