Open or create a new part programming session.
Ensure a device is loaded.
Ensure at lease least one operation is assigned to a program.
White - Uncalculated.
Green - GO - No kinematic issues.
Orange - Over travel Overtravel detected.
Red - Join Joint limit or out of reach.
The red lightning bolt represents a collision in the operation.
The orange lightning bolt represents interference in the operation
Red and orange lightning bolts overlaid indicate a collision and inteference.
User frame and Tool frame
UF - The user frame number referenced by the operation.
TF - The tool frame number referenced by the operation.
The drag anchor handle allows you to click and drag operations to reorder them.
The eye symbol allows you to hide or show the operation. Hidden operations will be ignored when calculating.
Show/Hide operations is disabled for multi-robot setups to maintain proper scheduler functionality.
The wrench button opens up the setup settings interface. Any setting adjusted here only affects the specific operation.
Axis Configuration - Editing control of the TCP rotation around its Z axis. | |
Optimization - Advanced optimization settings. LINK TO OPTIMIZATION ARTICLE | |
Safe approach / retract - Adding approach or retract points to the operation. | |
Waypoint - Adding waypoint transitions. LINK TO WAYPOINT ARTICLE |
Settings established higher in the hierarchy can be overridden.
Manipulator Setting - Article Link Manipulator setting
User frame number - Article LinkOverride the default user frame for the setup, based on the available user frames in the User frame manager.
Material deposition - Article Link Additive Module
Time estimation - Article Link Time estimation