Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Updating the license 

  1. Your reseller should provided provide you a link looking like similar to this:  
    This is important to know since this is an update license, it can be only be activated on a system that already has the main (new) license activated on. As an example, you may ask for an update license because your main license is expiring. The update license will be activated on top of the main license to extend the expiration date.


  2. Click on Activate Selected License Now
  3. The transfer of the license will then start and a message will be displayed once the registration is complete

  4. Now in program if you open "CodeMeter Control Center" you should see the activated licences. As this is an update license, you will not see a new license container in your CodeMeter. It simply means that your main license is updated through the update license.


titleRe-Hosting Licenses

The MAIN and UPDATE licenses are bound to the PC and must be returned (Re-Host) before formatting or doing any major hardware changes. This can be done by:

Step 1: Update license: accessing the license with the same link the reseller provided. Then click on the Re-Host Licenses button;

Step 2: Main License: after re-hosting the update license, you should then re-host the main license
