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This page introduces how to set up decoupled-3P3R type robot cell. 

Step-by-step guide


  1. The robot architecture type in Robx file must be set to "DECOUPLED_3P3R".
  2. Set DH chart. 
    1. The first three links are set basing on the wrist centre position as all the joint value are in zero;
    2. If there is translation joint holding part, the translation direction in DH chart must be reversing with the direction in real robot. For example, if Joint 2 positive direction in real robot is along +Y of world frame, it must be set to -Y in DH chart.
  3. Add the joints holding part to <tempVariables>.  For example, if second joint of robot holds part, it would be set as: 
    Image Removed
  4. Set robot base frame which has Z axis collinear with translation direction of first joint.
  5. Joint motion range and other setting are same as other decoupled robot;


If the three rotation joints of 3P3R type robot are intersecting orthogonal at one common point, it is called as Decoupled-3P3R, the setup can be done as the following:

See document :  3P3R robot.docx

Two 3P3R robots have been set up and are attached in here:

The original robot cell information are given in Basic Data_1010.docx,


It does support G-code generation, simulation and optimization.

It can support external axes control too, so robot cell could contain external axis.

No Base and Elbow configuration existing for this type of robot. Thus, it does not change anything by changing the base and elbow configuration setting. (These two setting in GUI will be disabled in future for 3P3R robot. )

No work space zone displayed for 3P3R robot.

Only prismatic joints can hold part. The robot with more than one joint holding part can be supported theoretical but is not tested yet.

No RTCP case support for 3P3R robot yet.

The first build supporting decoupled-3P3R type of robot is Robotmaster_V6.1.4058.

If the three rotation axes of robot are orthogonal but not intersecting at a common point, same setup as above can be used except using robot architecture type "GENERAL_3P3R". One example of this type robot is attached.



GENERAL_3P3R was developed for a custom cell and it can support the decouple_3P3R too, so these two types of 3P3R can be merged into one in long term, but we keep "decouple_3P3R" for the time being for avoiding any risk of affecting the other cells.

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