For automatic ordering, the first operation in the list is where the sequence begins. It will reorder the remaining operations from that point, based on the sorting method selected.
Fast ordering
The Fast ordering sorting method uses the nearest neighbor approach. Starting with the first path, the algorithm finds the closest neighboring path, based on the start and end points of the two paths in 3D space. It then proceeds to the next closest path until the entire sequence is complete.
Optimized ordering
The Optimized ordering sorting method attempts to minimize overall robot travel distance between paths for the entire sequence. Sometimes, this method will select a next path that is further away than others in order to optimize the sequence.
In cases when there is a single operation containing multiple paths, the paths within the operation must be reordered on the task side.
Apply Task ordering
Once a change has been made to the order of operations on the device side, whether manual or automatic, selecting the Apply Task Ordering button will revert to the order from the task side.