This procedure covers setting up collision groups and interference groups in a cell containing multiple robots that will work simultaneously. In addition to collisions between a robot and cell components and workpieces, collisions between robots is also covered in this article.
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Each robot contains safety envelopes around J3 and J4, wrap style with a 100 mm extension.
The collision groups for this cell will be set up to:
Robot-to-part collision groups for multiple robots can be created with one group for each robot. This will make it possible to view and manipulate collision groups for each robot independently in a part programming session.
Create robot-to-part collision groups for each robot
Robot-to-cell collision groups for multiple robots can also be created with one group for each robot. This will make it possible to view and manipulate collision groups for each robot independently in a part programming session.
Create robot-to-cell collision groups for each robot
Robot-to-self collision groups for multiple robots should be created with one group for each robot. This group type checks that the toolings and tools of a given robot do not collide with its joints.
Create robot-to-self collision groups for each robot
For simultaneous multi-robot cells, robot-to-robot collision groups check for physical collisions between the robots.
In this example, there is one collision group which checks that the first robot’s joints, links, toolings, and tools do not collide with the second robot’s joints, links, toolings, and tools.
For simultaneous multi-robot cells, safety envelopes can be used with interference collision types to alert you in situations where robots come close to one another and other cell components.
In this example, J3 and J4 of the robots have safety envelopes which will be used for this collision group.