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Axis configuration encompasses the group of settings that determine how the rotation of the TCP around its Z axis is handled during an operation. At any given point of an operation, the TCP can theoretically be rotated any of the 360 degrees around its Z axis (ignoring kinematic constraints and collisions). Axis configuration is used to establish a “rule” to follow for an operation.

Table of Contents


Axis configuration is accessible through the operation level settings on the device side of Robotmaster.

Calculation Methods

Spherical Interpolation

This calculation method is defined by a spherical shape, covering all possible Z vectors of the TCP.


There are 2 two spherical interpolation settings that establish how the tool orientation behaves in relation to the sphere.


Type determines how the TCP orientation changes around the sphere.

Default Z rotation


Default no Z rotation



Orientation determines the orientation of the “origin” of the sphere.







Combined effect

Type and orientation combine to fully constrain how the TCP rotation behaves. Imagine a tool tip at the center of the sphere. As the tool is reoriented around that point, the X and Y axis of the tool will adjust based on the type and orientation settings.


The easiest way to demonstrate the effect of these settings is with actual operations programmed on a part.

In this example, the orientation is set to Top.

Default Z rotation


Default no Z rotation


Default Z rotation (with Top orientation), when close to the top of the sphere, results in minimal movement always keeping attempting to keep the X and Y in the same planar direction as axes of the TCP parallel to the XZ and YZ planes on the top of the sphere. Default no Z rotation always keeps the X axis pointed “down” the outside surface of the sphere. This causes extra robot wrist rotation when the TCP is close to the top of the sphere.

Default Z rotation


Default no Z rotation


Default Z rotation (with Top orientation), when at the sides of the sphere, results in extra robot wrist rotation. Default no Z rotation results in minimal movement, keeping the X axis pointed “down” the outside surface of the sphere.

When using different orientations (Front or Side), the TCP rotation behavior will be the same, however the “origin” of that behavior will be different.

Tool orientation

The last setting for Spherical interpolation is Tool orientation. This value provides a rotational offset to the TCP rotation on the sphere.



The crosshair symbol scans all possible tool orientations for all points of an operation to determine if there are any values that allow the operation to have no kinematic issues.


A ring appears around the TCP with red and green sections. The arrow can be clicked and moved to adjust the Tool orientation.

  • Red - Tool orientation will result in a kinematic error.

  • Green - Tool orientation will result in no kinematic errors.


The new Tool orientation can be accepted or cancelled with the check or X buttons.


Profile tracking

This calculation method is defined by a tool orientation that will be maintained throughout the operation, with respect to the path direction.


Type and Orientation are unavailable in this calculation method.

Tool orientation

Tool orientation sets the rotational offset of the profile tracking.



Zigzag settings


Profile tracking has an additional functionality called Zigzag. On changes in path direction, this determines whether the TCP rotation will continue to follow the path, or “flip” and follow the path in a reverse direction. This functionality is intended to minimize wrist movement at sharp changes in path direction.

  • Max search length - How far ahead in the path it will look to detect a zigzag.

  • Path direction difference - The difference in degrees between 2 path point vectors to determine whether to implement a “flip” in rotation of the TCP.

Zigzag disabled

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Zigzag enabled

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