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  1. Setup

    1. Installation

      1. Installation instructions should be available on the KB.

    2. Licensing

      1. For now, this is covered in separate doc for License Expert and in the RM KB. Rita posted this to the KB. We need to work out where that info will ultimately live.

  2. Part Programming Guide

    1. Opening Robotmaster

    2. Important options

    3. Device and task windows

    4. 3D navigation

      1. Add CAD, run through the navigation options.

    5. Gnomons

      1. Best to show gnomon with walkthrough, Add cad, enter user coordinate system/frame, show how to move.

    6. Walkthrough

      1. Creating a new task

      2. Importing a CAD file

      3. Creating a contouring operation

      4. Loading a device

      5. Assigning an operation

      6. Calculating

      7. Simulating

Open Robotmaster

  • Go to Windows Start image-20240807-125039.png > Robotmaster 2025.

Robotmaster main window

When Robotmaster opens for the first time, the main window will be empty with no device or tasks loaded. The main window is divided into several areas:


Use this area to view and edit points, robot joint positions, and coordinate frames.

Add a new task

At this point in the walkthrough, let’s add a new task.


For now, we’ve created a task. Next, let’s add a part to the task.

Import a part

  1. Select the Task 1 tab.

  2. In the Parts panel, select [+].

  3. Browse to the following folder:

    • C:\Users\Public\Documents\Robotmaster 2025\Samples\CAD

  4. Select Large_Dome.stp.

  5. Click Open.


Now that the part is imported, let’s inspect it in more detail.

Organizing the CAD model for a part

  • In the Parts panel, click the expand button next to the part to view CAD model details.


With the part added and CAD correctly organized, let’s take a brief look at using the 3D viewport.

Getting familiar with the viewport

As you interact with a part in the viewport, there are some basic default mouse controls.

Mouse actions


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Mouse wheel up

Zoom out


Mouse wheel down

Zoom in


Mouse wheel click and drag



CTRL key + Mouse wheel click and drag



These are useful tools which can help as you work interact in Robotmasterthe viewport.Try switching

Switch between normal views


  1. In the viewport menu, select View settings > Top.


    The viewport will show a Top view.

  2. Select View settings > Isometric.


Change color in RM.

Reference frames in Robotmaster allow coordinate systems to be specified for several different components. Some important frames include:

Transforms, frames


Move origin

Move along axis

Move along plane

Rotate about axis

Align axis with external geometry (click the round ball mid axis, then select point).

Right-click to cancel out

Add a contouring operation


  1. The viewport will show a perspective isometric view.

Selecting CAD objects

CAD objects can be selected by clicking an area on the part in the viewport.

Since the color of the Large_Dome example part is light blue, it might not be easy to tell when CAD objects on the part are selected. Let’s select the entire part and change its color in Robotmaster, to make things easier to see:

  1. Right-click the part, then choose Select > Whole part.

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    The entire part will be selected.

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  2. Right-click the selected part, then click the color swatch next to Fill with color.

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  3. Set all the ARGB values to 255 to make it white.

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  4. The dome part will be colored white.

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Add a contouring operation and define toolpaths

Next, we will add a simple contouring operation and define toolpaths for a few holes on the part.


  1. On the Task 1 tab, select Operations > [+] > Contouring.

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  2. In Contouring mode, in the Paths panel, select [+] > Auto Path.

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  3. Select the surface on the part that contains the three holes that need contouring.

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    The selected surface will be light blue. Note that paths can be automatically applied to all edges on this selected surface.

  4. Click Refresh from selected surfaces.

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    Potenial paths will be added on the edges (shown in orange). There are paths on the edges of the holes and a large path added around the perimeter of the surface. Next, let’s exclude some of the paths we don’t need using the path slider.

  5. Drag the path slider one unit from the right.

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    The largest potential path will be removed. Dragging from the right will remove paths, starting with the largest path.

  6. Drag the path slider from the right again until the orange path for the next largest hole disappears.

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  7. Drag the path slider from the left to eliminate the paths for the four smallest holes.

  8. With paths remaining on only the three medium-sized holes, select Add to path list.

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  9. Edge Paths will be added to the Paths list.

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  10. Click OK.
    At this point, the paths are added to the Contouring operation. You can view the entry / exit point for each path, view toolpath direction, and set various parameters for the operation.

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    For now, we will use the default values for the entire operation.

  11. Click Apply and then OK for the Contouring operation

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The operation is fully created.

Load a device

In Robotmaster, a robot cell is considered a “device”.


At this point, we have a device loaded and a task is created. However the task is empty. Next, let’s import a part and add a simple contouring operation for it.


Use Options configure the general behavior of Robotmaster.


Joint moves color and Cartesian moves color

Set the

Frames and using the gnomon

Reference frames in Robotmaster allow coordinate systems to be specified for several different components. Some important frames include:


User frame: Defines the position and orientation of the part. Defined with respect to the base frame.

Next, let’s

Reference frames in Robotmaster allow coordinate systems to be specified for several different components. Some important frames include:

Transforms, frames


Move origin

Move along axis

Move along plane

Rotate about axis

Align axis with external geometry (click the round ball mid axis, then select point).

Right-click to cancel out


Import a part.

Change the user frame.
