Use the control handle to drag the operation to a different robot.
Adjust the sequence of operations for that robot, if needed.
Select Calculate to see if the collision is cleared.
Move start point
A possible way to solve a collision is to move In some cases, moving the entry/exit point on one of the paths may solve a collision. This can affect timing so that robots do not collide.
On the Device tab, in the Operations pane, right-click an operation and select Edit in task.
Select the path, then click the red ball at the entry/exit point.
Click a point along the path to move the entry/exit to a different location.
In On the Task tab, select Apply and then OK to keep your changes.
In On the Device tab, select Calculate.
Check to see if the collision still occurs.
On the Device tab, in the Operations pane, right-click an operation and select Edit in task.
Right-click the path (be sure to right-click one of the vectors on the path), then select Path > Invert direction.
Confirm that the path direction is reversed.
In On the Task tab, select Apply and then OK to keep your changes.
In On the Device tab, select Calculate.